Archive for April, 2009


Inspiration at the Buffet…

April 25, 2009

Today I decided that I would do something a little different: when I got hungry, I took my notebook (wireless notebook… the old school kind… paper, not electronic) and moseyed on down to the Greektown Casino buffet for food and inspiration.

This was the first time I went to a casino buffet in Detroit (my hometown), and aside from the different setting that it provided for me to open my mind, I was a little disappointed. The food frankly was amazingly good: of the things I ate, I didn’t have a single bad bite of food. It was all excellent. The problems I had, however, were that there weren’t a whole lot of selections available and the buffet room was on the small side.

Perhaps I’m spoiled by the buffets in casinos in Las Vegas, Laughlin, and San Diego (especially Barona… God, I miss that place). The price was good ($9.99+tax) but I’m used to having a huge range of food selections at these other casinos. Greektown covered the basics: American, Asian, Italian, Mexican, as well as a soup and breads area and another for desserts, but really there were only a handful of foods at each section. Perhaps the thing that disappointed me most was after having a bowl of amazingly good (perhaps the best I ever had) bread pudding, it was replaced with a pretty good apple pie instead of more of the bread pudding which I was craving. Had this been Barona, the bread pudding would’ve been present until long after I left… Did I mention I miss Barona? No, I don’t get a kick back for mentioning them…

Any way, between shoveling food into my mouth, I managed to brainstorm another chunk of the back history for my little space opera. I can’t say that I only came up with it because I visited the buffet, but I think the change of scenery and lack of my normal distractions definitely helped me focus on what I wanted to do rather than just spending a minute writing and fifty nine resisting the urge to look at porn… lol


Suddenly Writing…

April 22, 2009

Like I swore to myself, I’ve spent the last two days working on stories for myself and my best friend. While I haven’t spent as much time writing as I would’ve preferred to do, I’m pleased with the work that I have done.

That said, if there’s anyone paying attention to this little blog, I could use at least a working title for my story. The story is centered around a starship full of professional thieves recovering artifacts for the military that is preparing for a confrontation with an unknown alien force.

Right now I don’t have a huge amount written on the story, I’ve been working more on the universe’s back-history and sketching out the characters. Got any suggestions for me?